A Girl's Right - The Polaroid Portrait

A Girl’s Right – The Polaroid Portrait Project is an ongoing personal project that aims to paint a picture of what it is like to be a young girl today worldwide. Our goal is to find out if a girl’s right is the same coming from different cultures. We ask girls the same questions in regards to how they view a girl’s right in their culture and use the instant printing of the Polaroid picture to talk about their body image. The project makes the girls reflect on their challenges, hopes and dreams. The project started as an audio and photo project made in collaboration with the reporter Anne Sofie Hoffmann Schrøder. We wanted to compare girls and young women from Honduras and Denmark, as they are one of the poorest and one of the richest countries in the world. Although the girls deal with different issues and have very different lives one thing remain the same. A girl has to be strong.